Poe for Schools

13 Jun

FREE immersive experience for secondary schools in English and Luxembourgish

meet Edgar Allan Poe himself interactive reading sessions workshops

Shadows' Night ASBL, Ligue (d'Hygiène Mentale), Anja Di Bartolomeo, Edgar Allan Poe (Charles Wissinger - Actor from Baltimore)

We are delighted to invite your classes from 7th to 2nd grade to participate in a special morning of lectures and activities titled "Poe for Schools," organized by the Shadows' Night ASBL as part of the "Don't be Poe!" project.

This event will take place on June 13, 2024, at the Pontebier Cultural Center in Schouweiler, in both Luxembourgish and English languages. Admission to this morning event is free for all participants, and it will be held in collaboration with "Ligue" (d'Hygiène Mentale). We are honored to invite you to this enriching event, which aims to raise awareness among young people on various topics, including literature, mental health, and creativity.

Here is an overview of the morning's schedule:

Welcome and opening speech by the Shadows' Night ASBL.Presentation by an actor from Baltimore, USA, portraying the famous Edgar Allan Poe, who will share with students his works and experience related to mental health.Lecture by "Ligue" on mental health in adolescents.Presentation by author Anja Di Bartolomeo of her book "Koma 21," awarded the Public Prize at the "Walfer Bicherdeeg 2024."

After this approximately 45-minute introduction, students will be divided into 4 groups to participate in various activities with the speakers. These activities include a quiz, a creative activity, a literary activity, and a question-and-answer session with Mr. Edgar Allan Poe.

We encourage teachers to prepare interesting questions in English about the life and works of Edgar Allan Poe, as well as any other relevant themes.

In this regard, we remind you that the media book "Edgar - Poe" is still available for free for all teachers and students at http://www.edulink.lu/hgfy (free delivery), and the educational dossier can be downloaded for free at http://www.edulink.lu/4ve0.

Please arrange transportation by bus for the students at your own expense. The morning event will take place from 09:00 to 11:30.

To register for this free event, please fill out the online form available on our website: www.shadowsnight.com/tickets

Please confirm your attendance by May 19, 2024.

Note: The number of seats is limited.